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© 2006 by RULMECA Corporation


Coal Prep Show 2006 Another Success

Rulmeca Corp co-authors paper with UK Coal Engineers


May 2-4, 2006 -- Rulmeca Corporation recently exhibited Motorized Pulleys and presented a technical paper (Motorised Pulley Solves Dirt Conveyor Problem at UK Coal Colliery) at the 23 rd Annual International Coal Preparation & Aggregate Processing Exhibition & Conference in Lexington, KY.

Rulmeca Booth at Coal Prep 2006
International Group:
The international group were: (l to r) Roy Ball, Rulmeca UK; Jerry Dillon, Stahura Conveyor Products; Tony Hooker, Rulmeca UK; Mick Barry and Steve Pringle, UK Coal Ltd.; and Mike Gawinski, Rulmeca Corporation.
Old Coal Mining Technique
Nostalgic Look at Coal Mining:
The first section of the technical paper traces the intersting history of coal mining in England, describing mining techniques, coal preparation techniques, and national production statistics.
Motorized Pulley at Kellingley Colliery
First Motorized Pulley at UK Coal's Kellingley Colliery :
The paper describes how the 100 HP Motorized Pulley eliminated 30 days (300,000 tons) of lost production each year while reducing maintenance and energy consumtion expense.
Motorized Pulley at Maltby Colliery
One of two dozen Motorized Pulleys in service at UK Coal :
The paper also lists the 24 Motorized Pulleys of various models, powers, and belt speeds now in service at UK Coal Ltd. at four different collieries.

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