The June meeting of the Cape Fear Manufacturing Partnership was well-attended with nearly 50 representatives of local manufacturers, colleges, agencies, and service partners visiting the Rulmeca Corporation facility in Wilmington, NC.  Not only did the attendees tour the facility, they also listened to presentations by Jim Flock of CFMP, Keith VanWyngaarden of CWIT (pictured here), and Mike Gawinski of Rulmeca.  The CFMP mission is “Improving and growing the manufacturing base in Southeastern North Carolina“.

Chris Vann, assembly technician, showed the guests how Motorized Pulleys are assembled, inspected, and tested.

Patrick Hassett, production engineer, showed how nitrile rubber is prepped, vulcanized, and finished in the company’s brand-new lagging department.

Jay Graham, director of operations, showed guests how hydraulic presses are used to assemble bulk Motorized Pulleys and described how the equipment is being upgraded to handle pulleys with wider face widths.

Since the meeting coincided with the dinner hour, guests were treated to a Southern-style buffet dinner.

Jon Barber of Wilmington Grill congratulates David Grandey of Highland Roofing, winner of the fire pit door prize, donated by Wilmington Grill.