Thanks to the efforts of our faithful and diligent production staff, in spite of the disruptions caused by COVID-19, our Motorized Pulley production and repair was 23% higher in May than in any other month since our company was founded in 2003.  Congratulations guys!!

In response to the implementation of phase one of North Carolina “Stay at Home” rules, we adopted even more conservative PPE rules at our facility.  Here our technician wears a face mask as he works with Motorized Pulley parts inventory.

As an extra precaution, in light of the implementation of phase one of North Carolina “Stay at Home” rules, we are measuring and recording each person’s temperature before the start of each work day.  Here Pete Svizeny wears a face mask as he assembles small Motorized Pulleys.

In addition to other conservative safety measures, in response to the implementation of phase one of North Carolina “Stay at Home” rules, we upgraded from weekly to daily sanitization of common areas at our facility.  Here Casie Moore wears a face mask as he repairs Motorized Pulley returned to us for service.

Our production supervisors have been managing all local assembly and repair activities while maintaining “social distancing” and wearing face masks.  By the end of May production had set a new record for the company, exceeding April’s rate by 23%.  April’s rate was 12% higher than any other month since 2005.